Three Tigers get their claws in the humor and into the movie screen. Last Czech action hero and guardian Teritori Milan (Alber Čuba), David Votrubek (Štěpán Kozub), who has a sensitive soul, cursed poet and tram driver with policemen Robert (Robin Ferro), and Herbert (Vladimír Polák) who is diligent, but an average actor of regional theater go for adventure to get the unexpected win in this furious action-comedy. Will they end up as friends or rivals? Will David find his lost father?
How about Robert? Will he find his love and self-confidence? Will Milan find Indulona and glory and Herbert his dream job in national theatre? Their Road trip from Ostrava to Prague will be full of crazy events, unexpected turns (Brno?), and action scenes. It won’t be easy, not only due to David’s distinctive view of the world but also because mafia boss Král is going to try to stop them and take their winning ticket worth millions.